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"Swan lake"

2013-2016 Estonian National Opera

Me and Alice Niinemäe became a part of "Swan lake" somewhere in the year 2013. We didn't had a big part, but we had a lot of performances (usually 2 in a week). Usually we came to theatre 2h before the show and did our make up for all that time. At the show we were queens helpers, her BFF, rich cool ladies. The question was how to imagine myself in that period of time.

In 2016 Toomas Edur the head of National Ballet directed new version of that ballet. Everything was new there, costumes, decorations, choreography and so one. My role was the same fancy as before, but director added some more ladies to this part, so me and Alice were not that special anymore.

1.PH. The only photo I found from Tiit Härm "Swan lake"

2.PH. Photo from Toomas Edur "Swan lake". Me standing on the back in a long blue-white dress.

Video and photos are taken from Estonian National Opera website.

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